Celtic Beads

Celtic Beads

They say that when you are donning on any Celtic beads, you can never go wrong. No matter what type of personality you have, the accessory will perfectly blend in. Below, you will catch a glimpse of how jewelry evolved in Europe.

Early Medieval
Vikings had the opportunity to travel from one region to another in the pursuit of trading goods. On their tour, they had the opportunity to obtain precious items such as necklace of Islamic coins, bracelet of polished rock crystals and necklace of African gems. However, it is said that the pieces that were bartered were thought to be nothing compared to the results of Barbarian Artistry. The outcome of the craft had elements inspired of Celtic beads such as the zoomorphic flairs and organic figures.

As many years had passed, people were discouraged to wear elaborate kind of jewelries due to the reasoning of morals and styles. Even with the notion, wearing accessories were not entirely vanished. It was then the dawn of the popularity of brooches which was considered to be a necessary part of clothing in the past. One of the most common is the penanular type with Celtic beads. Different kinds of studded belts were also widely appreciated. Aside from serving as an added decoration, they were more utilized to firmly hold tunics and cloaks.

Early Renaissance
In this period, necklaces and bracelets were back to the societal niche. The most trendy were the ones called as collars that were fashioned out of enameled gems intended to lie low on the shoulders. Not only were the women seen donning on such precious items but also the men who preferred stately chains. Soon after, there were flamboyant designs such as the intricate twists with the integration of Celtic beads. Earrings were not yet a craze then but belts and brooches were still in vogue.

Also recognized as the Elizabethan Age, Celtic beads were not that wholly prevalent as pearls were regarded to be highly typical. In the early stages of the sixteenth century, earrings made a huge entry especially in Italy where those jewelries were paired with a simple pendant choker that vanishes into the bodice then forming a complete ensemble. In circa 1565, young boys who were studying in Venetian schools were dressed with the accessory. When Queen Elizabeth began to reign in England, the precious items started to appear in the country where not only the women were seen to be clad on but also the men.

Today, as you don on anything that has Celtic beads, it will not fail you to remember the rich chronicles of old in a continent that until this juncture, has supreme powers in a global scale.