Montecristi Panama Hats

Montecristi Panama Hats

Blessed with a handful of master weavers residing in Ecuador, there is no wonder why Montecristi Panama hats are considered as the world’s finest head accessory made through straws. They are actually made from a plant named toquilla which is hand- split into strands that are not much thicker than thread then sewn so finely appearing to be made from linen.

Montecristi Panama hats have edges that are intertwined back into the brim but is never trimmed. Each is carefully done by a single artisan that takes them more than a month to complete. Since there are few experts in the craft that are left, it has slowly been becoming endangered to the point of disappearing. Two generations ago, there were about 2, 000 of them but presently, there are only 20. This skill has actually been a legacy that their ancestors left so it is definitely rich with retrospective accounts.

Men’s Montecristi Panamas Hats appear in styles such as Classic Fedora, Plantation, Aficionado, Mombasa and Downing Street.
Classic Fedora was the choice in almost all of the sultry climes and classic movies when both genders were considered as dames in the 1940’s. Today it remains to be the most famous style.
Plantation was not designed only for those who own an estate such as a ranch or farm because anybody can don it on them. This is also not a for those who working under the heat of the sun, but goes well when you take a seat after a hectic day and enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Aficionado was not primarily worn by the cowboys because it possess its own flair attitude. Its western rim soaks down front and back that lifts up like wings on both sides.
Mombasa was inspired from the Africans as it is of course, a port city in Kenya. For those who kept on heading to the safari in the east, this was their favorite get- up.
Downing Street was somehow a representation to the Big Daddy but the differences lie on the pinches.

Women’s Montecristi Panama Hats appear in styles such as Lace Breton, Italiano, Optimo, Lexington and La Costa.
Lace Breton was made for the extra feminine as it has geometric ornamentations of both open and solid weave in the crown and brim.
Italiano was technically a fedora with a replete look of no pinches. The front comes to a smooth V- shape similar to the bow of a sailboat.
Optimo was the classic of all that has been produced. It has the pattern for British travelers as well as empire builders in Malaysia, Hong Kong and India.
Lexington was the mother’s look in the 1940’s. It is reminiscent of those who were aged in their 40’s and 50’s.
La Costa was another of the group that was customed- made. Its block is barely four inches tall only.