Grooming Your Poodle

By now most of you know that in caring for such a sassy companion as a Poodle comes the responsibility of dedicated dog grooming habits. In terms of style, instead of seeing this need of theirs as a trademark of a high-maintenance dog, simply think of it as having “more to work with.”

Taking your dog to a professional groomer on a regular basis can be quite costly. As such, it is always good to learn proper poodle grooming habits on your own. But before anything else, it is always helpful to decide on what style or trim suits the lifestyle of your poodle. Show trims include the Puppy clip, Continental clip, and English Saddle clip. On the other hand, pet trims include the Kennel or Sporting clip and Dutch clip.

Once you decide on this, make sure that you have the right tools to get the job done. Good quality clippers may be your greatest investment in terms of caring for your poodle’s grooming needs. Using dull blades can often result to scrapes and clipper burns. You must also take note of the fact that poodles with white, gray, or brown coats have more sensitive skin than those with black coats. Also, poodles who aren’t so accustomed to regular grooming have a tendency to get scrapes more easily. If you’re not careful, these scrapes can develop into sores that are vulnerable to infections.

Consult professional groomers on what tools would best suit your poodle’s needs. Do not use them on dirty coats and handle them with utmost care. Make sure your oil or grease your clippers regularly and refrain from dropping them. Remember that it is better to use fresh blades rather than make do with dull ones at your poodle’s expense.

Scissors are also handy when it comes to grooming your poodle. Brushes and combs are definitely a must. Wooden handled brushes and steel combs with long, fine teeth are often used. Take note that brushing out mats and tangles before bathing your dog is crucial. Getting those knots wet through bathing only makes it harder for you to untangle them. Don’t forget to trim your poodle’s nails as well but be careful not to hit their nerves by cutting them too short.

As for bathing your poodle, the most important thing to watch out for is leaving soap residue on their coat. Leaving soap on their skin causes excessive dryness and irritation. Do not rub their coat to avoid tangles and mats. Simply use the pat dry technique and squeeze out the water from their coat with a towel. Bathing every two to three weeks is ideal, but for the most part, it truly depends on your poodle’s lifestyle and needs.

This may seem like a lot of work but just acknowledge the fact that the job comes with the territory. Just focus on the trade-off since regular grooming not only ensures that your poodle looks great, it also improves their health and over-all well being. Simply enjoy the deed and treat it as a bonding experience with your poodle.

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