Dog Coat Grooming

Being a concerned pet owner you are recommended to learn and master the art of grooming from a professional dog groomer. Grooming helps both the owner and the pet to come closer to one another. Your pet would be able to sense your affection while you groom your dog with care. Unlike bathing and grooming of nails dogs usually enjoy coat grooming. But you still need to be very careful while clipping the extra fur from its coat. The following steps on dog grooming can be helpful for you.

Steps of Dog Coat Grooming

Before you start with the dog coat grooming session, you may take your dog for a short bath. Grooming a clean and tangle free coat will be quite convenient for you. After the fur of your pet gets dry use blow-dry to reduce tangled hair. Then gently comb the fur with the help of a pin brush. You may divide the fur in two sections as according to your convenience.
When every single hair of the fur gets dry start clipping excess hair. You must proceed from the legs and rear and gradually move forward. Keep on dusting the extra hair and keep the fur tangle free.
You can use an electric clipper to get rid of the hair in the anal regions. Be careful while using the blade as it should not get in contact directly with the skin.
Shave hair according to its layout. Use the blade to cut hair in the abdomen region, naval, groin to the inner parts of the thigh.
To trim the hair of the paws you may use scissors. Try to trim the hair of the feet to a length that just touches the ground evenly in a rounded form.
Use your brush to comb the hair of the dog’s head, face and ears.
After you have completed with the shaving of the hair you should comb the entire body fur. They stand at a distance and find out the extra inches of the hair. Cut them in shape with the body with the help of scissors.

In order to make the coat appear fluffy and soft you may use a good coat conditioner. After applying the conditioner you may use a nice brush to gently brush up the fur. Brush in the direction of the fur alignment. Move from bottom to up and from shoulders to forward. Groom the tail and the chest to make them appear fluffy.

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