It Is Time for Mens Jumpers Again

This bit of vital information will mean little to a vast slice of the men’s population of the world who already wear jumpers and have been wearing them for years. There are many reasons that jumpers are already very popular with men and have been so for the longest time. Even people who do not know the very first thing about fashion and have no desire to do so have been wearing mens jumpers for ages and the main reason is that jumpers are one of the most simple and no nonsense pieces of clothing in a man’s wardrobe. They are literally a no brainer when it comes to dressing. For most men a jumper and a pair of jeans are the most comfortable clothing pieces that they can think of and a nice jumper with a clean pair of jeans is usually more presentable than you may imagine at first thought and is acceptable in any range of eating and drinking establishments. They are also perfect for doing chores in, going to the supermarket or just general lounging about.

Jumpers can also be dressed up by wearing them under a nice jacket or a blazer or wearing them over a nice shirt and for that extra bit of sophistication you can always add a tie for the most formal of occasions and for business meetings. Jumpers are thus not only comfortable and warm, they are also very versatile. In the kind of weather and ambient temperatures where layering clothes is an option, a jumper is a vital building block that you can integrate into your outfit.

This year the fashion industry has trained its sights on the humble but extremely versatile men’s jumper and mens jumpers are the new hot ticket this season for any man that wants to be seen in what has become the leading trend in men’s fashion for the fall and winter season of 2010 and 2011.

Men’s jumpers in all colours and styles, short sleeved, long sleeved and even sleeveless versions to show off beautiful shirts that they had been paired with were all the rage in men’s fashion shows that showed fall winter collections. Designers experimented with new colours like salmon that have not traditionally been associated with men’s jumpers and though these colours are only for more adventurous males, there were also jumpers in traditional monotones and browns for everyday wear.