Importance of Grooming Your Pet Dog

Your dog requires special care to keep it healthy and happy.  Unless it displays cat-like behaviors, your dog may be very dependent on you when it comes to getting exercise, eating and grooming.  All of these areas will lead to your dog’s development and well-being, so you shouldn’t neglect any.  In this article we’ll examine why regular, proper dog grooming is so important.

The main areas of dog grooming involve bathing or washing the dog, brushing and combing its coat, clipping its claws or toenails, cleaning its ears and brushing its teeth.  All of these grooming processes need to be done on a regular basis, and each serves different important purposes beyond just keeping your dog looking beautiful.

Regular bathing of your dog will help reduce the fleas and ticks that so often plague pets.  It will also keep its fur coat healthy and shiny, and may even help those who suffer from dog allergies by regularly cleaning the dog.  This is one of the most important regular habits you can make for caring for your dog.  Brushing or combing its fur coat goes hand in hand with this.  Using a brush followed by a comb will help remove tangles in the fur coat, and you’ll want to do this regularly to help control shedding.

Many dogs hate having their nails or toes clipped but it’s very necessary.  Some dogs that walk on hard surfaces often grind their claws down naturally, while others require you to use clippers or a grinder to grind or cut the tips.  If the dog’s nails grow too long and are left uncut, they can lead to problems in their paws.

Your dog needs its ears cleaned regularly to prevent the buildup of wax.  Ear wax can lead to irritation for your dog and infections, as well as mites inside the ears.  You may even start to notice your dog shaking its head a lot and scratching at its ears.  Using appropriate ear cleaning solutions or drops will help control this issue greatly.

Finally, your dog’s teeth should be brushed daily just like your own.  Dog gum diseases are among the most common diseases in pet dogs.  You can purchase a soft bristle toothbrush and a veterinarian approved toothpaste to regularly clean their teeth.  Your dog may not be easy to work with on all these grooming tasks, but they’ll certainly love you for all the care and attention you give them.

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