Denim Shopping Made Easy!

Theres a study that states women usually spend an average of three hours when shopping for a pair of jeans. It also takes a long time for men to find theirs, but in a period less than the womens average time. This shows the importance of finding denims with the perfect fit to men and women. If you are among those who delve into racks of denim boutiques for hours, you might want to check out the custom jeans services of denim companies to make your shopping escapade hassle-free.

In custom jeans services, body measurements of a shopper are taken in the denim boutique. Some companies do this by allowing the shopper to fit pre-made sizes. Denim fit, leg length and rise adjustments are made after checking ones measurement.

Some denim shops also have virtual fitting rooms. These rooms utilize low-powered, safe radio waves to scan and measure the body of a shopper. The technology started as a room where one needs to wear a skintight leotard, and wherein the machine can get the measurements accurately. Today there are virtual fitting rooms where ones body can be measured even with their clothes on.

Custom jean services of designer mens jeans allow shoppers to add details to their denims. There are embellishments stations from which they can choose various pieces. Women usually opt for colored threads when it comes to designs and creative seams. Men, on the other hand, are less likely to add additional features to their denims.

Customers are also given the freedom to choose their denim fabric, wash type, and leg style. Designer mens jeans, as well as womens denims, can have a variety of cuts from straight, flared, and boot to bell bottom and skinny. Original blue denim and white-washed jeans are the most commonly picked wash types. There are professional in-house stylists who guide the customers in picking jeans that suit their body type.

Companies of designer mens jeans and womens denims have created various ways in order to make denim shopping more pleasurable and convenient. With custom jean service, you wont have a hard time finding your perfect jeans.